Friday, January 9, 2009

Have you heard of Fergie’s song? Big girls don’t cry? It talked about a break-up and she was convincing herself not to try despite the unfortunate event. Usually, the girl is hurt most during a break-up. But do you know, that some guys cry too? In Britain, British men may be sterling examples of masculinity but that does not prevent more than half of them from crying their eyes out after being dumped, according to a survey.

Is that the only way to make them cry? Guess not! Girls, are you feeling a bit naughty?

1. Dump Them - If you don’t love your guy anymore, dump them. If they love you, they will cry. If they don’t, lucky you, you did the right thing.

2. Reverse Psychology- use this until it irritates them so much, they will want to cry! Try telling them, “You don’t love me anymore” lines and wait until they get irritated. If the guy gets angry, he is the “man of steel” type who uses anger as an outlet.

3. Defeat - Lose your ego and you forget your stand. Have you seen crucial basketball games? When the team losses, some cry. I have seen them with my own eyes.

Just remember, a guys feeling is not there to be played, so are girls’ feelings. So, if you don’t want others to let you cry, do not do it to others. Can you find a better way to let boys cry than these?

1 comment:

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